Mining Skills Organisation Pilot

The Mining Skills Organisation Pilot (MSOP) was born out of a 2019 Australian Government initiative to explore opportunities to strengthen industry engagement with the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector.

It focused on the knowledge that Australia’s future workforce would be more geographically distributed and digitally connected than ever before, requiring skills that are adaptable, transferable, and applicable to future needs.

Extensive national industry consultation across 2019 and 2020 led to the MSOP forming four initial project hubs, based on the industry’s immediate need to increase both the capacity and capability of its workforce.

In 2021, the MSOP became part of the Australian Minerals and Energy Skills Alliance (AUSMESA), an independent organisation funded by the Australian Government to engage with the mining and energy sectors and put learners at the centre of the (VET) system.

In 2023, we became the Mining and Automotive Skills Alliance (AUSMASA), a Jobs and Skills Council funded by the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

Featured projects

Apprenticeships Project

Attraction and Retention Project

Digital Transformation Project

Qualification Reform Trials Project

MSOP Projects Snapshot

CEO Gavin Lind shares insights into the four project hubs for the MSOP. Learn more about the skill needs of the mining sector:

  • Digital Transformation

  • Apprenticeships

  • Attraction & Retention

  • Qualifications Reform Trials

How do I find out more?

If you are interested in finding out more about this project and how you may be involved, please contact us.