Initial Workforce Plan

Introducing our workforce plan for the mining and automotive industries: The Future Is Now

The goal of workforce planning is to ensure that an industry has the right individuals, with the right skills, in the right positions, at the right time.

The scope of workforce planning extends beyond individual organisations. It encompasses entire industries, and considers the collective workforces’ needs, including the demand for specific skills, and the supply of available talent.

Our plan analyses current labour market trends, the characteristics of labour sources and a variety of elements that influence the supply and demand for skilled labour. In it you will find the initial sector scan, evidence gaps identification, a mapping of existing strategies and our consultation efforts in gathering industry intelligence to formulate our workforce planning.

We invite you to explore the summary of the workforce plan in the report section pages below, or to download the full report. We are seeking your feedback on the initial plan, so that we can prepare for an even brighter future for the mining and automotive industries.

Initial Workforce Plan - Full Document (PDF - 5.4mB)

Highlights of our sector scan


Combined mining and automotive industries total workers


Proportion of workers that are female in the mining and automotive industries


Average age of workers in the mining and automotive industries

Report Sections

Learn more about the workforce with a deep dive into the report sections.

The mining and automotive industries must embrace change

The mining and automotive industries are critical to the Australian economy, energy transition, and net zero aspirations, and rely on highly skilled workforces. Today, training in mining is dominated by surface extraction operations, and in automotive it is dominated by light motor mechanical technology.

While these important qualifications speak to the status quo, both industries are on the brink of change and will make a significant contribution to achieving Australia’s net -zero ambitions through critical minerals extraction and production and the development of electric vehicles (EVs) which will require a new generation of workforce skills.  

How do I find out more?

If you are interested in finding out more about our Workforce Plan and how you may be involved, please contact us.