Apprenticeships Project Hub

The objective of the project was to understand how we can produce tradespeople faster, without losing quality, thereby achieving a better fit between skill needs and training programs.

The Mining Skills Organisation Pilot (MSOP) Apprenticeships Project Hub considered the needs of industry to develop tradespeople faster to fill in-demand roles, and for better alignment between the skills and knowledge of graduates and on-the-job requirements.

While the apprenticeship model is largely based on traditional skill domains (e.g., mechanical and electrical systems), it is being challenged and disrupted by technology.

Employers in the mining sector are increasingly requiring ‘hybrid skilled’ workers with specific skills and knowledge across a range of traditional skill domains, to perform site-based roles.

A model was developed that focused on apprenticeships for heavy-duty diesel mobile plant mechanics, a role in strong demand in the mining industry.

It found that the existing qualification partly addressed the industry-need for metropolitan-based mechanic roles, but that there was a significant difference between the qualification and the skills industry needed for site-based workshop fitter roles, resulting in over-training.

Learn more about the MSOP Apprenticeships Project Hub

Gavin Lind discusses the Apprenticeships Project, getting people into work faster and ensuring they have the right skills for the job.

Modernised apprenticeship model

A ‘modernised apprenticeship model’ was subsequently developed based on a series of occupational competencies and proof point assessments that could be used to assess apprentices’ knowledge and skills in a holistic, task-based way, at specific points across the apprenticeship period, including to:

  • Ensure apprentices had the necessary knowledge and skills

  • Identify transferable skills of people entering the resources industry

  • Enable accelerated completion of apprenticeships while ensuring quality and confidence in the outcomes.

Training resources outcomes

The Project Hub resulted in two key outputs:

  • Planning for Success: A Guide to Support Quality Apprenticeships in the Resources Sector

  • A series of eight proof point assessments and associated resources, packaged up for assessors and apprentices.

Reform trials outcomes

Activities linked to the Qualifications Reform Trials Project Hub included:

  • Digital badging - Exploring the concept of using digital badges to reward and recognise the progress of learners towards standard achievement. This may also be useful within industry as there are roles within some partner companies that do not require all the knowledge and skill expressed in the standards that have been developed. Parts fitters are an example of such a role. For people in these roles, digital badging that recognises their specialist knowledge and skill may hold value.

  • Proof point assessments - the proof point assessment developed in the apprenticeships project provided the final link in the qualification reform model proposed.

Changes to training approaches recommended by industry

  • Enabling the learner to gain knowledge and skill and then practice the application of it in the workplace on a broad range of increasingly complex tasks.

  • The length of the program must provide a sufficient range of experiences for the learner to develop confidence and accuracy in a broad range of repair and replacement tasks.

  • The learner’s progression should be monitored by formative assessments with additional training and practice opportunities provided when necessary.

  • Problem-based and project-based learning should support the development of the enabling behaviours documented in the Occupational Standard.

  • Where the training provider does not have access to tools, equipment, plant, and machinery typically used in the workplace, they must establish a training approach that provides access to these resources through partnerships or a program that is workplace based.

  • The use of simulation is acceptable for training when the simulation replicates the workplace or experience of the workplace. Technologies such as virtual reality may be used in this context.

Industry partners included the following:

AUSMASA also actively engaged with state and territory training authorities in Western Australia, Queensland and South Australia. We also engaged with employee organisations (unions) given the role these organisations play in Australia’s apprenticeship system.

This project was undertaken under the Mining Skills Organisation Pilot (MSOP), in partnership with the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) and funded by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR).

How do I find out more?

If you are interested in finding out more about this project and the results, please contact us.