Mining Careers

Most people think of the resources sector as being pretty old-fashioned, but it’s actually going through a massive transformation in the digital era. New technologies like electric vehicles and growing industries like solar farming are paving the way for a sustainable future, and these new technologies need mineral resources to make that future a reality.

New technologies are also being used to access mineral resources in a safer, and more efficient way to help preserve the environment.

Mineral resources have a huge part to play in Australia’s future, which means that there are a tonne of career opportunities in the mining industry too.

Careers in the resources sector are diverse – from traditional mining roles to cooking, caring for others, community development, working with the Aboriginal Traditional Owners on the land to create positive opportunities and impacts, developing virtual or augmented reality to help with training and compliance and more, drone piloting, to saving the world by playing a part in getting us to Net Zero and changing the narrative on climate change – and – there’s much more.

If you are interested in exploring a career in the resources sector, join the Year13 Academy and see what the resources sector has to offer.

Mining, Minerals and Resources - A sector overview