- Employers and their representatives/ peak bodies
- Employees and their representatives/ unions
- The Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments (including licensing and regulatory bodies)
- Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)
- Educational experts
- Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
- Other Jobs and Skills Councils with an interest in the training products
Responsibility for the maintenance and review of training products within the RII Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package is shared between AUSMASA and BuildSkills Australia. AUSMASA’s interest is in the mining related products while BuildSkills Australia attends to products that impact civil construction. In some cases, the competencies listed in the training package impact both the mining and the civil construction workforce.
AUSMASA will collaborate with BuildSkills Australia on this project, as some of the training products have implications for stakeholders in the mining and civil construction sectors.
To learn more, read the consultation strategy.