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JSC Collaboration - Review of RII Units

Review of shared resources and infrastructure units

Responsibility for the maintenance and review of training products within the RII Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package is shared between AUSMASA and BuildSkills Australia.  AUSMASA’s interest is in the mining related products while BuildSkills Australia attends to products that impact civil construction. In some cases, the competencies listed in the training package impact both the mining and the civil construction workforce. 

AUSMASA will collaborate with BuildSkills to provide input into any proposed changes to the relevant units.

In this project, AUSMASA will collaborate with BuildSkills for the review of the following units of competency relevant to the mining sector:

RIIWHS202E - Enter and work in confined spaces

RIIWHS204E - Work safely at heights

RIIBEF201E - Plan and organise work

RIIMPO319E - Conduct backhoe/loader operations

RIIMPO337E - Conduct articulated haul truck operations  

RIIMPO338E - Conduct rigid haul truck operations 

AUSMASA is calling for Expressions of Interest from within the mining industry to join the Technical Committee established by BuildSkills Australia to review the units.

These 6 RII units are being reviewed as part of a larger project undertaken by BuildSkills Australia. For more information on the corresponding project for civil construction stakeholders, please visit the BuildSkills Australia website.

The project will commence in February 2025 and is due for completion in May 2026.

Technical Committee Expression of Interest

Please ensure you have read and agreed to the terms of reference downloadable from the BuildSkills website before you express your interest. 

Your details

In which state or territory does your organisation primarily operate? *
Have you participated in industry committees, working groups, or advisory panels before? *
Which industry area do you represent? *
Please select the sector(s) you most frequently operate in * Recent experience includes currently or within the last 12 months (select all that apply)
Please select the unit(s) of competency that align with your knowledge, skills, and industry experience *
By uploading your current CV/resume you will not be required to answer further experience-related questions. If you do not have a CV/resume, you may leave this section blank. Please proceed to the following questions and provide as much detail as possible to support your application for consideration.