Testing a proposed new approach to qualification design
In this project, we tested the application of the three proposed purposes to qualifications in the AUM — Automotive Manufacturing and AUR — Automotive Retail, Service and Repair training packages.
Our Automotive Categorisation Project Final Report has been completed and sent to DEWR.
The Qualification Reform Design Group will review it along with submissions from the other 9 Jobs and Skills Councils to inform the next stage of qualification reform work.
Key stages of the work
Stage 1 included:
- Initial assessment of various data sets to determine how qualifications are used by employers and learners.
- Assigning all qualifications to one of the 3 purposes and document the initial decision rationale.
- Testing initial categorisation and rationale through targeted consultation where required.
- Undertaking a deeper analysis of a select sample of qualifications to consider:
- assessment against quality principles
- embedded and shared skills and knowledge- including at the unit level
- duplication
- pathways,
- strength of links to employment
- occupational flows
- low and zero enrolments
- licensing and regulatory links.
- An initial assessment of the 3 purpose model and quality principles.
- Submission of the initial report.
Stage 2 included:
- Finalisation of assignment of all qualifications to one of the 3 purposes with a well-evidenced rationale.
- Identification of any opportunities for training product reform and where applicable, including:
- the proposed changes and any intended outcomes
- identification of obsolete training products for deletion
- a preliminary action plan for proposed changes.
- An assessment of the purpose-driven model that identifies any strengths and opportunities for improvement.
- Submission of the final report.
Registered Training Organisation (RTO) webinars
During the month of July 2024 we undertook targeted consultation with training providers that deliver qualifications in the AUM—Automotive Manufacturing and AUR—Automotive Retail, Service, and Repair Training Packages.
The webinars covered:
- An overview of the QRDG qualification reforms
- The scope of the Automotive Categorisation project and our approach
- A review of the categorisation and rationale of AUM and AUR qualifications
- An overview of low and no enrolment qualifications
- Q&A session.
The consultation has now closed and results have been compiled for our final report submission to DEWR.
AUSMASA would like to thank the stakeholders for their participation in the consultation by attending our webinars, completing our surveys, and providing email feedback.