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Autonomous Workplace Operations

Access free and engaging training materials

The resource pack includes materials for the four core units in RII21222 - Certificate II in Autonomous Workplace Operations: 

  • RIIARO201 Work in autonomous operations 
  • RIIARO202 Use data and technology to complete work in autonomous operations 
  • RIICOM202 Contribute to effectiveness of communication and teamwork in an autonomous workplace 
  • RIIWHS208 Operate within an autonomous workplace functional safety system

The resources are specifically intended for training organisations, to support the delivery of RII21222 - Certificate II in Autonomous Workplace Operations in multiple industry areas.

Included are:


  • SCORM-compliant files containing an online learner guide with videos, interactive student activities, and an end-of-unit knowledge check. 
  • Example knowledge and practical assessment questions in an editable format to be contextualised for your cohorts. 
  • PowerPoint slide templates in an editable format to be contextualised for your cohorts. 
  • RPL kit.  
  • Supplementary teaching resources and useful links. 

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Which of the following industries are you considering delivering Autonomous Workplace Operations to? *

Which of the following organisation types do you represent? *

In which state or territory does your organisation primarily operate? *