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Who we are

Our board

Nicky Firth

Board Chair (Director Human Aspect Pty Ltd)

Nicky has more than 25 years of leadership experience including as the Chair of our previous organisation, Australian Minerals and Energy Skills Alliance (AUSMESA) and its predecessor the Mining Skills Organisational Pilot (MSOP). Nicky previously held the position of Vice President Human Resources Rio Tinto Iron Ore. 

Vincent Cosgrove

Board Member (General Manager, Culture & External Affairs Sime Darby Industrial)

Vincent leads Sime Darby Industrial’s human resources management; talent retention, attraction and development; employee experience and external affairs across 17 countries, 11,000 employees, five Caterpillar Dealerships and various allied brands. Vincent has more than 30 years’ experience in the resources and industrial sectors. He previously held senior global leadership roles with BHP and Shell in Australia, the UK, and Singapore. 

Richard Delplace

Board Member (Director Emerging Technologies at the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries)

Richard oversees the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries’ approach to new vehicle technologies. He also represents Australian automotive manufacturers and suppliers of passenger vehicles, light commercial vehicles, motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles on various matters, including vehicle safety and environmental performance. Richard has more than 20 years’ experience in deployment, operations and policy development of transport technology across public and private sectors.

Brad Gandy

Board Member (State Secretary Australian Workers’ Union, WA Branch)

Brad has represented workers for more than two decades, working his way from the shop floor to organiser, then to secretariat. Brad believes in fairness and safety in the workplace and proudly represents the Australian Workers’ Union (AWU) in Western Australia. The AWU has a strong history of representing workers across a wide range of industries for more than 135 years. 

Christine Gibbs Stewart

Board Member (Chief Executive Officer Austmine Limited)

In addition to being a valued AUSMASA board member, Christine (Chris) is the CEO of Austmine, the leading industry body representing the Australian Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) sector. Her organisation champions the Australian METS sector to promote the global advancement of mining innovation and technology. Chris has some 30 years of experience in international business, industry development and general management. 

Tony Maher

Board Member (General President Mining and Energy Union)

Tony Maher first started work in the resources industry in 1979 at Rio Tinto’s silver lead zinc mine in Broken Hill. Tony has been General President of the Mining and Energy Union since August 1998. Prior to that, he held various positions in the MEU’s predecessor union, the Federated Engine Drivers and Firemen’s Association (FEDFA).

Sidney Marris

Board Member (Deputy Chief Executive Officer Minerals Council of Australia)

Sid has over a decade of experience working with the Minerals Council of Australia and is currently the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the organisation. He has held various roles in the media and public affairs, as well as an advisory role with the Office of the Prime Minister of Australia. Sid has lent his expertise on the AUSMASA board since 2021.

Board committees

Finance, Audit and Risk Committee

Our Finance, Audit and Risk Committee assists the Board with its responsibilities for financial management, performance reporting, risk and control frameworks, and external financial reporting responsibilities.

Sidney Marris – Chair 
Christine Gibbs Stewart
Richard Delplace

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Our Nomination and Remuneration Committee monitors CEO performance, succession planning, director selection and development and provides recommendations to the Board about remuneration policy, annual salary increases and incentives paid to the AUSMASA CEO and employees.

Vincent Cosgrove – Chair 
Nicky Firth
Brad Gandy

Our leadership team

Dr Gavin Lind

Chief Executive Officer

Gavin began his career as a Mining Engineer and has more than 20 years of industry experience. He established the Earth Resource Regulation branch at WorkSafe Victoria and led the Australian Government’s Mining Skills Organisation Pilot (MSOP). Gavin was also Executive Director of the Minerals Tertiary Education Council. In 2013, he was awarded the LH Martin Award for Excellence in Higher Education Leadership.

Helen Tinney

Executive Director Policy and Training Products

Helen is an experienced executive and has extensive knowledge and understanding of the VET system gathered while working in TAFE NSW and within the TAFE sector in Victoria. As Executive Director of Policy and Training Products, Helen is driven to create innovative, student-centred learning that delivers high-quality education and training programs that make a difference to learners and create an empowered workforce. 

Kristian Rough

Executive Director Operations

Kristian is an Australian Legal Practitioner and has comprehensive experience in both state and federal government, as a former federal ministerial policy adviser specialising in complex policy and legislative reforms; and as a Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director, establishing an integrity law enforcement agency for the Victorian Government and spearheading the state's response to COVID-19 industry challenges.

Emily Flores

Executive Director, Industry Engagement and Communications

Emily is an award-winning Marketing & Communications leader with over 25 years of experience in the public and private sector. She previously led Marketing & Communications for Chisholm, one of Victoria’s largest TAFE providers and a National Finalist in the 2019 Australian Marketing Institute Award for Customer Acquisition Marketing, and State Winner in the 2018 Australian Marketing Institute Award for Marketing Excellence in Education. 

Our values

Our people-focused values guide our actions, and our actions guide our outcomes. We strive to create an inclusive culture that encourages honest communication, participation, and innovation while setting ambitious goals and celebrating our successes.


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