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Our Collaborators

We are working together with our collaborators to strengthen the automotive and mining workforce of tomorrow. We value our industry partners, who are vital to our work. Learn more about who we partner with below.

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

We are a Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) funded by the Australian Government Department Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR). AUSMASA works within the JSC Operating Environment and Integrity Framework. For more information, please visit the DEWR website.

Jobs and Skills Australia

We work closely with Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) to align workforce planning for the mining and automotive industries, creating a uniform understanding of the skills landscape and developing appropriate strategies to address workforce challenges and skill gaps.

This is an essential first step in determining job roles, skills needs and training pathways. 

Industry specific intelligence from AUSMASA combined with the economy wide data, intelligence, forecasting and modelling from JSA is crucial in making sure industry has the right workers with the right skills that Australia needs.

States and Territories

The VET sector is a joint responsibility of the Australian and state and territory governments. States and territories have existing mechanisms to consult with industry on workforce planning and VET related matters.

AUSMASA works to complement and leverage state-based engagement mechanisms.

VET and Industry Regulators

Licensing bodies and regulators are engaged at key points throughout the training product development process.

AUSMASA consults with regulators and relevant government authorities (incl. licensing bodies where applicable) in developing an Annual Training Product Development Plan to ensure a shared understanding of the scope of the work and proposed project timeframes.

Regulators are able to provide early advice on key stakeholders to be engaged, potential implementation issues and scheduled regulatory changes, which may have an impact on training product development.

Licensing bodies and regulators are also consulted during the drafting of training products as members of technical advisory groups (TAGs), providing expert advice.

The National Careers Institute

The National Careers Institute (NCI) is a reliable source of career information and resources for Australians aimed at setting them up for success. 

We collaborate with the NCI to support the development of education, training, and career pathways into the mining and automotive industries. To learn more about the NCI's work, visit the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR).